Have Someone Different At Your Campus, Atheist Meet-Up, or Convention
John is a former Christian minister and apologist with M.A., M.Div., and Th.M. degrees in Philosophy, Theology, and the Philosophy of Religion from Lincoln Christian Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. While in school John majored under Dr William Lane Craig, the infamous leading evangelical apologist/debater of our generation. John also studied in a Ph.D. program at Marquette University for a year and a half in the area of Theology and Ethics.
John authored the book, Why I Became an Atheist: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity, and one titled The Outsider Test for Faith: How to Decide Which Religion is True (to be released early in 2013), both published by the premier atheist publisher of our generation, Prometheus Books. He has edited two other important books, The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails, and The End of Christianity. He also co-wrote a debate book (with Dr. Randal Rauser) titled, God or Godless, to be published in 2013 by Baker Books. [That's five published books in five years!]
John has been interviewed on The Enlightenment Show and The Infidel Guy Show. He has also participated in debates on campus and would like to do more of them.
John has traveled America speaking for and entertaining audiences from Ohio, to New York, to Louisiana, to Texas, to Los Angeles, to Colorado, to Wisconsin, and many places in-between. He even did a gig in Toronto, Canada, and somehow passed the border checkpoint as an atheist.
Presentation Topics:
How the Outsider Test for Faith Solves the Problem of Religious Diversity
Why I Rejected Christianity and Went to the Dark Side
The Darwinian Problem of Evil
Being an Apologist Makes Otherwise Intelligent People Look Stupid
Christianity is Wildly Improbable.
If God Exists He’s Dumber than a Box of Rocks.
Who Wrote the Bible? Not Me That’s Fer Sure.
The Barbaric Nature of Yahweh in the Bible
The Strange and Superstitious World of the Bible
How Religion Debunks Itself and Why Skeptics Don’t Really Need to Do It
[Basically all things having to do with Christianity.]
Debate Topics:
Is Christianity True?
Does God Exist?
Is God a Moral Agent?
Was Jesus Bodily Resurrected From the Grave?
Is the Bible God’s Word?
The Problem of Suffering for a Good God
Jesus Was a Failed Prophet
Why Should Anyone Believe Anything At All?
John is also a licensed minister with the First Church of Atheism and the Universal Life Church so he does weddings and funerals (but no baptisms, sorry!).
If you invite John to speak for you then included will be a memo on how to use his time to the best advantage of your group. As a former minister who hosted events in order to gain new members he knows how to do it. Too many secular groups don’t know how to best promote an outside speaker and to gain members afterward.
Serious inquiries only. Email him at loftusjohnw@gmail.com