Ed Clint posted a video of Jamy Ian Swiss's talk, "What Does a Villain See in the Mirror?" Jamy's focus is on psychics, and it's really good if you want to know how they can knowingly defraud people and still look in the mirror. Hint: they can, and they do. At the one minute mark he says: "If you're a spoon bender, for example, you know you're doing sleight of hand...and it's plainly impossible to deceive yourself into not knowing that you're doing such things. But...once you eliminate the element of physical manipulation...there remains a broad spectrum of behavior and thinking that makes it difficult to be certain about the inner workings of another person's mind, no matter what we may think of their behavior." I think what he says is relevant to whether Christian apologists like William Lane Craig are dishonest. You see, Craig and other apologists are not bending spoons. There is no obvious trickery going on. That makes a huge difference in my opinion. Nonetheless, even with outright frauds who know what they're doing, Jamy says (at 6:58): "Cognitive dissonance is hard-wired into us, a magic trick of sorts our brains play on us in order to make us feel right, or at least to prevent us from feeling too bad about being wrong, and even doing wrong." If this is such a powerful force in the minds of outright frauds then how much more is it when there is no obvious trickery going on? Take a look below:
Now with this in mind read what
I recently wrote in defense of Craig. Be sure to read the embedded link in it too.
Does this make better sense, or not? It won't do to say Christian apologetics are abysmal at best. So also are Mormon, Muslim and Moonie apologetics. Of course they are! Again, from Jamy,
"Cognitive dissonance is hard-wired into us, a magic trick of sorts our brains play on us in order to make us feel right, or at least to prevent us from feeling too bad about being wrong, and even doing wrong."