Remembering My First Article on Debunking the Bible: Sept. 14, 1977
When one understands that this area of the southeastern U.S. is the “Buckle on the Bible Belt” and is also an area where the King James Bible is on par with the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit and King James Bible); a place where one’s personal testimony involves being washed in the Blood of Jesus while championing the 1611 King James Bible Version over “Modern Perversions”, then one will have a context for my letter below and the sharp reply by Mr. Eddie Cox (who I noticed died last year).
This Letter to the Editor appeared in the Seneca Journal on Wednesday September 14, 1977 and was quickly followed by Mr. Eddie Cox’s rebuttal five days later.
I have scanned them in from my scrapbook and you can click on each to enlarge for reading.

Reply: (Not sure why he called the KJV the "KSV")

Well Mr. Cox . . . I never was "set straight"!