Okay, The Time Has Come, I'm Done
I have no more desire to engage Christians. They are deluded, all of them. I have never been more convinced of this than I am now. I have better things to do. I spent 39+ years of my adult life on a delusion. If I add the years of my childhood that's almost my entire life. Yet this is the only life I will ever have. It's time to move on, or at a minimum take a very long hiatus. I just finished what may be my last book, on The Outsider Test for Faith, to be published by Prometheus Books early next year. How many times do I need to kick the dead horse of Christianity? I don't think I need to say anything more. If what I have written isn't good enough then nothing is good enough for some Christians. What I intend to do is turn this blog over to a few qualified people. I'll still be a part of it and I suppose I'll post something from time to time. But I see no reason to waste large chunks of my time on this delusion anymore. [Edit: For further clarification I commented below.]
Thanks for everyone's comments, especially the encouraging ones.Cheers. I'll still be around just largely inactive.
What I said may be harder to do than I think. I've been blogging every day for over six years. I'll be around, just cutting drastically back for a while. It's definitely been a love-hate relationship.
For now Dr. Hector Avalos, articulett, Joe Holman, Jonathan Pearce, Harry McCall, Ed Babinski, "A is for Atheist," sir_russ, and Bart Willruth are team members here and can post at will. I'm looking for others who are qualified. This blog is an important resource so I intend for it to stay up and running and doing the work I'm so wearied from doing right now. In some ways this blog just got better because there will be some new blood with a diverse set of perspectives. Stay tuned, and once again thanks so much.
One thing is sure, and that is I'm not going to spend large chunks of my time here. I'm going to do other more enjoyable things. I'll still post a few things I consider important, do interviews, speaking engagements, debates and respond to emails. But I've turned off my email notifications from DC so if you direct a comment or question to me I probably won't see it.