Bishop Spong: "Hell is the Invention of the Church"
I've seen evangelicals change what they believe during my lifetime and I predict they will embrace Spong's views in 30-40 more years. Evangelicals are already embracing annihilationism, so why not? Watch him below:
People have faulted me for not seeking to debunk what they call "the best Christian view," and by this they mean liberalism. But why would I ever care to debunk Spong and/or a liberalism like this? He's merely wrong to affirm there's a God. But he's doing little harm by comparison to the authoritarian minded fundamentalists. Spong is a secularist like me. I can live with that. I take aim at harmful verisons of Christianity. If you're a liberal like Spong then why don't YOU join ME? Why not?
Hat Tip: Ken Pulliam