To All Atheists Who Have Moved Beyond Linking to Debunking Christianity

A somewhat popular atheist site removed my blog from his links recently and I asked why. Here's what he said and my reply:
I intended no offense by omitting your site. I regularly change my blogroll, and I like the deconversion stories, but to be honest, I'm less interested in sites that debate and debunk Christianity these days. I think that topic's been covered pretty much to death, and I'm more interested in blogs that promote atheism as a positive view in its own right and discuss the atheist movement and forming a secular community.
This is my email in return [Edited]:
Here's the problem then. It's myopia or nearsightedness. While it's true Christianity has been debunked a long long time ago, maybe you can tell me why evangelical Christianity still runs the Republican party and calls the shots? What else can explain the popularity of Sarah Palin among them?

So while in your mind it's a done deal, someone must still continually man the oars of that ship. That's where I come in. I'm manning the oars. But I need help, your help. If you would just link to DC it would mean a lot to me and that's not asking much.

You can personally move on if you like, but America is actually getting more religious. Yep, that's what the polls say. Our country is becoming more divided. There are fewer and fewer people in the middle ground as we are being polarized into atheist and Christian camps.

You see, before believers will accept atheism they must first reject their religion. That's why you need my efforts. They are specialized, just as yours are. But I'm doing the dirty work, the work that gets me personally attacked. I would hope that atheists appreciate what I'm doing enough to overcome their myopia.

Best wishes regardless,
John W. Loftus
I just emailed him and I thought DC readers might want to comment about it.

I recognize there are two sides to the atheist strategy. We must have people who present a positive case on behalf of metaphysical naturalism, evolution, and atheistic morals. But people who make that positive case should never dismiss those of us who make a negative case against the dominant religion of their culture, and that's my specialty here at DC. Until Christianity is no longer the dominant religion of our culture atheists will always need to revisit over and over again the negative side of the coin.