Jeffrey Amos on "Why I Am An Atheist"

This is a pretty good statement.


Brian_E said...

Very enjoyable and brilliant read. Bookmarked.

Teleprompter said...

I bookmarked that as well.

Absolutely brilliant quote about heaven and the meaning of life:

"How is being with the Lord meaningful while being with other people is not meaningful? If the problem is that a finite existence is not meaningful, then I am happy to be spared the experience of heaven, as it would then consist of an infinite sequence of meaningless existences."

Ignerant Phool said...

Lovely post.

Paul Says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”

So God is saying if you can figure out who did all this creating and the magnitude of his power, as well as to worship the answer you come up with, then you will get to live with him. What if you come up with the wrong god? Is it OK if I don't see an all-powerful god, all-knowing, and all-good god? Maybe if I saw perfection and no evil or suffering, I might see things differently. (Seeing God also wouldn't hurt)

Really, with Paul being only human, his words are clearly from a human perspective, one that is often wrong. He's saying this based on his already belief in God, just like other people who already believed in their own gods, who could say the same thing. If someone wants to say Paul is now arguing from his vision of God, his argument doesn't go well coming from someone who supposedly seen God and is sure of his existence. But it does go well with a strictly human idea, that since God is not visible, we have to look for something to show his fingerprints thats speak for him.

If there's any time for excuses, it's for not believing in God.