What do you know of God's plan? Please explain.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 0 minutes ago
The denial of science by religious authorities.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 0 minutes ago
Not so, of god is outside time those thoughts could be written before as time wouldn't exist.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 0 minutes ago
Not if everything is part of god's plan unless humans are more powerful than god.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 2 minutes ago
So every other culture is objective evidence of other gods - unless you're wrong.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 4 minutes ago
If science disproves YEC, then YEC is an erroneous belief.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 4 minutes ago
Okay, hey god are you there?
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 5 minutes ago
And NOT a believer in your god - are ya sure you want to use him as an authority?
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 7 minutes ago
Considering that atomic decay is one of the arguments against young earth creation means either you are not a YEC, so not a 'true' biblical Christer or are lying.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 8 minutes ago
Which scholars? Atheist scholars? The only scholars who count are Jewish and Catholic since it their religions are the ones spoken of in the Bible.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 18 minutes ago
Catholics wrote the New Testament.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 19 minutes ago
Please give an example of your claim. I seriously doubt you can. All you have are assertions based on what your atheist mentors tell you to believe.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 20 minutes ago
Who cares? The New Testament is a Catholic tome. They can say whatever they want. It is their religion, not yours.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 21 minutes ago
"17 Where believers go, these signs shall go with them; they will cast out devils in my name, they will speak in tongues that are strange to them; 18 they will take up serpents in their hands,...
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 23 minutes ago
Who is then? You? There is no corrobating evidence for any part of the Jesus story. You cannot even demonstrate conclusively he even existed.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 39 minutes ago
Asinine. Christianity kept Europe locked in feudalism and illiterate for centuries. It was the push back against religion called the enlightenment that produced most of what we came to call western...
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 40 minutes ago
Prove a negative? Do you think you win by default? You're the one making the claim. The burden is on you.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 44 minutes ago
Daniel, why the snide condescending insults if you are so sure what you are talking about? Why the name calling? Are you so insecure. I come here in good faith to have a dialog and you people are...
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 54 minutes ago
I agree that with regard to prayer, atheists have no idea what they are talking about.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 57 minutes ago
Science is Godly, not godless. What ever gave you the idea that science was Godless?
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 58 minutes ago
I mean rationally. You don't get to speak for me.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 59 minutes ago
No, by your assertion. Please read your own comments.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 1 hour ago
And, of course, it was much easier to evade the law at a time and place when no one who had not met him did not know what he looked like, and if they recognized him and knew he was running from the...
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 1 hour ago
All Catholics are officially encouraged to read and study the Bible.
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 1 hour ago
As soon as was possible, every Catholic was encouraged to have a Bible. Books were exorbitantly expensive until the invention of the printing press. .
Debunking Christianity: Precise Reasons Why Prayer Is a Fantasy Exercise · 1 hour ago