The Least Religious of American Medical Professions is Psychiatry

In a recent study by Farr Curlin, et al, published in Psychiatric Services (2007) 58: 1193-1198; titled "The Relationship Between Psychiatry and Religion Among U.S. Physicians," there is an interesting finding. [You can download the PDF file].

According to the authors, "Psychiatrists were less likely to attend religious services frequently, believe in God or the afterlife, or cope by looking to God."

There is something anti-religious about the field of Psychiatry. While it's true that it had it's roots in the anti-religious zeal of Freud, there is still something anti-religious about it as a discipline. I think I can guess why.

Psychiatrists know something most of the rest of us don't know that well. Experiencing this a little from when I was a counselor in the churches I served, I think professional psychiatrists know better than the rest of us that what people believe and how they behave are both based upon many factors that are out of their control. What are some of these factors? Brain matter. Genetics. Gender. Race. Social learning. Social development. Cultural influences. Family influences. Peer influences. Drugs (or the lack of drugs). Diet. Strokes. Sicknesses. There are many others, including financial status, geographical location, age, and birth order.

Psychiatrists know that the whole idea of a person holding to, and acting upon, a completely rational set of beliefs, is just not possible. There are so many other factors that heavily influence us all. Therefore, they also know better than the rest of us that the whole idea of a God who is supposed to judge people based upon what they believe, who subsequently condemns people forever based on how they act, is not a good God at all. In fact, it's abhorrent. And if there isn't a good God, there might as well be none at all.

Christian, you should really consider the evidence coming from the field of Psychiatry. It could change your minds.