Why Do Atheists Spend So Much Time on Religion?

Over at Atheist Revolution is an entry answering the question why atheists spend so much time reading/thinking/talking about religion; see here. It's another way of answering why we debunk Christianity here at DC. See what you think.


vjack said...

Thanks for the link! I cannot count the number of times I am asked this question, so I wanted to have a cogent response at the ready.

Blue Devil Knight said...

I think it is a good question. When I first became an atheist, about 15 years ago, I thought about religion a lot. I joined various skeptical societies etc, and argued with Christians constantly. It was growing pains, working out my own beliefs anew, in a sense.

Now I don't think about it much at all. I live free from religion, though do try to keep an eye on the nutty education destroyers in the creationist/ID/whatever movement.

I am friends with lots of people who are second or third generation atheists. They don't waste their time and energy on religion. I think ultimately, when you are truly free from religion, it will not occupy your time so much (unless it is part of your job or something).

nsfl said...

If you really want to know why atheists care about religion, watch this video. It talks about legal and political issues that affect us due to religious discrimination.