I Don't See How Democratic Socialism Can Fail

The twin goals of Democratic Socialism are to meet human needs and at the same time produce economic growth. So long as people maintain those goals I don't see how Democratic Socialism can fail. The reason is because it's democratic. It might have setbacks, I know. So excesses to the left or right need their corresponding correctives so that a balance can be maintained between meeting human needs and economic growth. It's a hard balance to sustain for decades. So whenever human needs are not being met the populace will demand a corrective to the status quo. Likewise, whenever economic growth suffers greatly that too will demand a corrective, since it doesn't meet human needs either. Although surely, the more we work at it then the better we get, so we don't have excesses in the first place.

Neither pure socialism (or even communism) nor unbridled laissez-faire economics work. What's left? Call it democratic socialism or socialized democracy if you want, but I'm endorsing Bernie Sanders because of his specific policy proposals. I like them. I think they can work. There is nothing in them that calls for the end of capitalism. It's time for his kind of change.