The Liberal “Social Gospel” Was Even Peddled By Jesus

One of the most popular sections of the Gospels used by both Fundamentalist and Evangelicals is the story given by Jesus of The Rich Man and Lazarus as recorded only in one Gospel: Luke 16: 19 – 31. Bible Believers, along with their preachers, love to harp on this section not only in their Gospel Tracts, but especially in revival sermons with the justification being; “I’d rather scare sinners into Heaven than to love them into Hell!”

For the average gullible Bible Believer who thinks everything he or she hears from their church’s pulpit is Gospel Truth, this afterlife story told by Jesus is but a foretaste of what an unrepentant sinner can expect immediately after death.

G. K. Chesterton on the Outsider Test for Faith

One Christian response to the Outsider Test for Faith is that it is faulty in some way. If that's the case then perhaps they ought to listen to Chesterton, who became a Catholic. His book, The Everlasting Man, contributed to C.S. Lewis's conversion to Christianity. In his Introduction Chesterton said:

Two Videos of Our World. Which One is True?

They both are! But see the difference for yourselves:

Lowder vs Hallquist's Claim That Dr. Craig is Dishonest: "Not Guilty"

I agree with Jeffery Lowder and ask Chris Hallquist to never again make such a claim. Link. I personally know William Lane Craig and am myself a former believer. Hallquist, just like PZ Myers, simply does not understand the mind of the believer. I have previously defended Craig against such an ignorant claim. Just read this closely.

Can PZ Myers Change His Ways? Should He?

I've been critical of PZ Myers for five principled reasons: 1) he doesn't understand the mind of the believer, 2) he treats people who disagree as if they are morons, 3) he's a divisive force within the ranks of atheism, 4) he panders to the younger baser type atheist audience, and 5) he doesn't much value the contributions of people like me who deal with Christians on their own terms. I don't understand his motivations. He may like the power and the money that come from having a large audience. Or, it just may be his personality. He may be an ideologue by nature, an extremist, the type of person who can usually make a big difference. Can he change his ways? Should he? That's the question here. One thing is sure, more atheists are speaking out against him and his ways. John Draper, an important Canadian atheist blogger known as the Cobourg Atheist, recently said of him:

Jesus Was A Coward When Facing Death

Christian theology tells us that the whole reason Jesus came into the world was to redeem fallen humanity (Jesus himself in Matthew 16: 21 – 23 and especially the Paul letters). He was born from a virgin by the power of God, healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, casted out demons, fed 4,000 / 5,000 people with just a few fish and loafs of bread - all this with his supernatural God given power. Moreover, Jesus even talked with Moses and Elijah on the Mt. of Transfiguration where the Gospels tell us he shone as bright as the sun and where both he and his disciples (Peter, James and John) heard God preach: “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him. (Matt. 17: 5)

The Problems with Heaven.

As I am going on holiday for a week, I thought I'd leave you with a couple of my videos on the inconsistencies of the idea of heaven. Heaven, in the normal understanding of the notion, seems wildly logically incongruous. As an idea that seems to have developed late in Jewish theology, it appears more likely to have been contrived by human minds seeking to justify why good people could die so harshly, particularly during the time of the Maccabean Revolt when Jews were being persecuted in the Seleucid Empire. Its development appears also to mirror the development of the idea of an eternal soul, stolen off the Greeks. With heaven, hell and the eternal soul, any earthly injustices are suddenly sorted out. These seem such fundamental pieces of theology that it is a wonder they are not investigated earlier in the Bible. Unless, of course, they hadn't been made up or stolen by that point... Feel free to elucidate any points of interest with regards to heaven:

There is Nothing to Wager. Just Live a Good Life.

Hemant Mehta posted this. Whether or not Marcus Aurelius said it or not is beside the point. We have nothing to lose if we live a good life with or without a god:

How Would the Gospels Look Different if They Were True?

Jason Rennie is doing a five part series of interviews with believers and skeptics exploring the question, “How would the Gospels look different if …?” He interviewed Dr. Ben Witherington III from Ashbury Theological Seminary in Part 1. His interview with me is Part 2. Enjoy.

Dr. Andrea M. Weisberger, a Forgotten Atheist Scholar

There has been a great deal of talk by secular women about the need to support women and women's issues. I endorse that goal most emphatically. Let me tell my readers about the tragic case of Professor Andrea M. Weisberger. She is on a short list of atheist scholars I admire the most. She first introduced me to the problem of animal suffering that I have written so much about. Have you heard her story? You should.

Quote of the Day, by Harry McCall on the Afterlife

Christians must face the fact that the majority of the New Testament (likely 99%), especially Paul’s letters and the Book of Revelation both teach that all souls (both good and evil) sleep in the earth (much like the Israelite dead did in Sheol) until the general resurrection and Final Judgment when Jesus returns...the Bible never tells us how a place under the earth where all the dead go (Sheol) becomes modern Hell or how Christians go up into the sky to live with God. Link.

I'll Be Teaching an Online Class for CFI in August

CFI stands for the Center for Inquiry, probably the leading secular humanist educational organization in America and the world. Some call its headquarters in Buffalo, NY, the Satanic Vatican. ;-) I'm team teaching this class with Dr. John Shook. We'll be using the 2nd edition of my book Why I Became an Atheist. To learn more of the details and to sign up click here. I sure hope lots of people sign up. We have a lot to cover. It should be very educational with a lively discussion. Christians, by the way, can sign up too.

According to the Bible: Christians and Atheists Will Rot In Their Graves

for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints>.” 1 Corinthians 14:33

Some Modern Christian Afterlife Myths:

Quote of the Day, by sir_russ

During our evolution conversation with The Theist, which can be found here, sir_russ summed up a few salient ideas in this concise quote:
Let me make this as plain a I can: all by itself, evolutionary theory debunks Christianity.

Evolutionary theory tells us beyond doubt that no first humans ever existed. There was no Adam and Eve. There was no original sin. Mankind has not inherited a sinful nature. There was no need for an atonement. So, if a person named Jesus actually existed his life and death were only the life and death of a human being. Evolutionary theory tells us that the Jesus stories as Christian relate in Sunday school are myths, legends and fairy tales.

James Holmes and the Perpetual Miracle Objection

When it comes to the problem of suffering for a good omnipotent God, in my books I argue for the possibility of perpetual miracles from God that alleviate suffering among his creatures. I call it the Perpetual Miracle Objection. David Hume didn't use this exact phrase when he objected that the ordering of the world by general natural laws "seems nowise necessary" for God, but it's the same concept. Link. Let's apply this line of argumentation to what Holmes did and see another preemptive way God could have averted the massacre from happening if he exists and if he cares.

Omniscience Doesn't Exonorate God For The Colorado Movie Massacre

Previously I've suggested some reasonable ways a good God could have stopped James Holmes from firing on innocent people in that Colorado theater without revealing himself, and without abrogating Holmes's free will. Link. But is there another way to exonerate God in what I call the Omniscience Escape Clause? Could God have overriding reasons based in his omniscience for allowing that horrible tragedy to happen? I don't think so at all. While this isn't impossible it's extremely improbable to the point of being virtually impossible.

Why James Holmes' Rampage is the Result of the Teachings of Christianity: Part 2


This post is a follow up to my previous post,  Why James Holmes' Rampage is the Result of the Teachings of Christianity.  For clarification, I will restate my thesis from my previous post:

"One hypothesis was put forth by the Christian apologist, Rick Warren, in one of his latest tweets, when he said, "When students are taught they are no different from animals, they act like it." The implied hypothesis being, that it's the result of teaching science, and in particular, Darwinianism and materialism. I propose that there is a better explanation. My hypothesis, which is not new by the way, as I have pointed out numerous times, the great Christian philosopher Pelagius pointed out long ago, that if you promulgate the notion that people are born bad, and cannot help but to sin, but will still gain entrance into paradise as long as they "repent"-- they are more likely to sin, repent, sin, repent--and repeat when necessary. Pelagius was wise, and realized that this belief would lead to "moral laxity"--which is quite evident in our predominantly Christian society, and amongst Christians in particular. My hypothesis is that when Christians are taught they are "born sinners" and cannot help but to sin, as they are taught it is not possible for them to be perfect, and that they are nevertheless given the "free gift" of salvation, they will have more of a tendency to act immorally, or, when Christians are taught they live in a world that is dominated by Satan, that it leads to immorality. Either way, it leads to immorality and chaos, and Christianity provides believers with a basis for the belief that they are absolved from taking responsibility for their own bad behavior. Jesus does that for them."

It's Not Me Saying These Things. Others Do.

Said Marcus: "I just started reading your's not a book, it's an Monster." He's referring to my magnum opus. Reality check: It's not really gonna reach out and terrorize anyone and it doesn't include everything. But readers are saying it's pretty damn good. I'll be using this text for a CFI Institute online class in August. Read more about it and sign up here.

Professor Matt McCormick's Book is Now Available. Get it.

Atheism and the Case Against Christ

FAQ for the Newly Deconverted

Our mission in this document is to help you find your way out of this darkness and confusion and into a place where you can be happy making decisions on your own, based on reality. It's okay to not believe, as this is the first step in dealing with any loss of religion—merely going back to religion because you feel you have no other choice is no choice at all. This is simply the basis of an open mind. Whether you have recently de-converted completely, are teetering on the brink of losing a religion or have been a non-believer for a long time, these questions and answers aim to give an overview of life without religion for you to consider. It is by no means comprehensive as no single document, or even collection, ever could be sufficiently vast to answer everything. You have entered the world of atheism and rationality; here we'll tell you what's important to us, where we get our morality, and how we face the peer pressure to return to the church. If you do find yourself having to choose between belief and non-belief, you can do so with an informed mind and make a real choice. Link.
I especially liked reading this part:

In Times Like These Do a Random Act of Kindness Today


Gender Language and the Bible Translation Wars

In 1989 the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) translation of the Bible introduced a largely gender-neutral translation of the Bible. Never-mind for the moment that the Bible is overwhelmingly anti-woman, as can be seen in Biblical scholar Michael Coogan's book, God Sex and the Bible, as well as in The Women's Bible Commentary - Expanded.Using gender-neutral language in translating the Bible so it can speak to everyone is like rearranging chairs on the Titanic, it will not help at all. The ship will still sink.

James Holmes and the Free Will Excuse

I call this the free will excuse because that's what it is. It's an attempt by believers to excuse God for the massacre in Colorado by James Holmes. I've already suggested reasonable ways a good God could've acted to avert this tragedy but didn't. Now I want to briefly address the objection that God does not interfere with our free choices, even if that means some of us will do heinous crimes on occasion.

Calling all evolution deniers - come deny it!

So I was making a point on another thread about how Noah's global flood never happened and was nicked off the Epic of Gilgamesh written at least a thousand years before ~(and indeed, both accounts could rely on an even earlier myth). It's pretty easy argument to maintain since there really is no evidence to support the ark hypothesis (AH) and mountains of evidence to contradict it. Some might even say there is a deluge of contrary evidence...

In the debate, "The Theist" stated this absolute gem of a quote:
Whoa, there . . . now I never said I took Hovind seriously. In fact I would place him about on the same level as the average believer or atheist. Theologically retarded. But I do take him slightly more serious than the failed metaphysical experimentation called "Theory of Evolution." He makes more sense than anyone else I have ever heard on the subject and more importantly, though the atheists like to dismiss him as they do anyone who disagrees with them, he actually scares the hell out of them because he knows what he is talking about. He, uh . . . he pisses them off. That's why I like him.

Where Was God When James Holmes Walked Into That Crowded Theatre?

Almost everything we know about God can be seen in what he did not do to avert this mass killing. God's inaction here is indistinguishable from him not caring at all, or not being powerful at all, or not being present at all, or not knowing anything at all. In fact, his inaction leads us to think he doesn't exist at all. David Hume suggested a line of argument that works very well here. If an Omni-God exists then he could have caused James Holmes to have a heart attack before leaving his apartment that day. He could have caused all of his guns to jam. He could have caused Holmes to suffer severe nausea at the very thought of doing this terrible deed, every time he thought of it. He could have had an accident on the way caused by a brake line leak. For believers to argue God remains hidden so as not to force obedience upon us, there is nothing about any of these suggested actions that would alert us to his presence. For believers to rhetorically ask how we know God doesn't intervene in other cases, the fact that he didn't intervene here, there, and so many many times elsewhere is strong evidence he doesn't act at all.

Innumerable things could have been done by this God to stop Holmes. But God was silent just exactly as if he doesn't exist at all. There is no noticeable difference in this present world where God is believed to exist from one where he doesn't exist at all. The notion of free will does not get believers off the hook either, unless they want to admit that this same God does not answer prayers. For surely there are believers across America and in every city and family praying every day for the safe protection of their loved ones and for people in general. So I put it to you. Either God's activity in our world is indistinguishable from his non-existence or he does not answer prayers. That's merely one of the many problems of belief in the light of this human tragedy.

James Holmes and Gun Control

The NRA tells us that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." This is obvious. But it completely misses the target. People with guns can and do kill more people than they could without them. We've learned that James Holmes had an AR-15 assault rifle with a 100-round drum magazine. It could fire 50 to 60 rounds per minute in quick succession, a video of it can be seen below. While it seems no one could foresee his killing rampage in that Colorado theater, there is no reason this weapon or any like it should be sold in gun stores. Luckily it happened to jam on him. While it's true that the criminal mind can find such guns on the black market, there is no good reason they should be produced or sold legally. None. Give me one good reason. Just one. The issue I'm raising is not how to interpret the 2nd Amendment. The issue is why shouldn't the production and sale of these guns be banned? I think they should.

I Went To Church Today

Today my wife and I attended a Unitarian Universalist church and we loved it. I am tired of people on both sides of the fence trying to pigeon hole me, trying to ostracize those who differ, trying to make people take sides on the most minute of details. While I differ with this Unitarian church group on issues concerning faith and spirituality I'll take their acceptance and desire for dialogue any day over the PZ Myers types. I'm out. Fuck them. Fuck them all, that is, until they become human beings who think of the rest of us as human beings.

On the Stupidity and Divisiveness of PZ Myers and His Cadre of Followers

I won't link to what PZ said because he already makes over $3000 per month on Freethought Blogs alone. But let's see what he has to say about something our own Cathy Cooper wrote. Writing about the Christian killer James Holmes, PZ opined:

Richard Carrier on the Historicity of Jesus


A Recent Prometheus Books Ad

It's nice to be in good company:

An Atheist Condemns the Colorado Movie Theater Massacre!

James Holmes allegedly killed 12 innocent people and injured 59 others in a senseless act of violence. My heart goes out to all of the victims including the people of Aurora and the owner of the theater who's business will never be the same. There is a lot of commentary about this tragic incident and its repercussions in our free society. I would like to discuss why it was wrong. Do I even need to say why? Christians claim there is no reason an atheist can condemn such a horrific random act of violence on the supposition we have no objective basis for morality. By condemning this are we somehow acknowledging a foundation for objective morality in God?

Back in the Stocks: A Short Treatise on Thought and Eternity (Part I of II)

“My hair is really starting to thin on top,” I say to myself as I’m tiredly leaning over the sink, having already noticed my “crow’s feet.” “My nads are hanging down further,” yet another indication of my age, I think. “And why is the hum of that vent so pleasing when taking a dump and you just woke up?” These are natural thoughts, along with: “This mouthwash tastes good! Why haven’t I been buying it all this time?” There are no right or wrong thoughts in the downtime of the bathroom, looking at the dried toothpaste stuck to the rim of the sink and those few stray hairs from the clipper still lying around. Just as surely as you are staring at that same oddly cut-off floral design on the wallpaper while doing “number two,” you are contemplating what it all means and why you should get up in the morning in the first place.

How To Increase Traffic to Your Blog [Redux]

People have asked me how to increase traffic to their blogs and I answered that question here. Let me give you an example of what I mean. It's a post about sex with a twist. I noticed that I'm getting several hits on it today. So just think like a newspaper editor when creating a headline. Then provide the content that will keep'em coming back. Or, you can post something a tabloid might do once or twice just for shits and giggles. ;-)

Chicks, Sluts, 'Hos and Niggas--A Response to Those That Mistakenly Believe These Words Empower Them

[The following is written by Cathy Cooper]

Now, my husband is Black, and is also a philosopher, and has argued against using the word “nigga” as a tactic in the manner that it has been used up to this date. We have both presented material on this subject in the past, and due to the recent barrage of those who claim they are “taking back” these types of words, this post was written to clarify what using these types of words as tactics really means. Also, since this is DC, as you read this post, you will see a connection between Christianity and why we ought not use this as a tactic.

This post is in reference to a reply to my comment on John's post, "Quote of the Day, by Thunderf00t *Sigh*"  My comment is below:
As a woman, I agree with you John--it's insane. I wrote a post last year in reference to the Rebecca Watson debacle, and how Dawkins reacted--illustrating that there is still a long way to go--for both sides--in recognizing what sexism and harassment is, and how to counter it. http://aisforatheist5760.blogs...
That the "skepchicks" call themselves "chicks" in the first place just reinforces the stereotype that women are "flighty fluffy birds without a brain"--and I personally sent an email to Miss Watson to inform her of this. In her reply, she told me that they use that term because they are "taking it back"--but that makes no sense. It makes no sense because you can only take back a word if it had a positive connotation to it--but "chick" does not. The connotation is entirely negative, and this is how "chicks" are viewed--as brainless flighty, fluffy birds. I felt the same way about the "slut walk" in Toronto. I also find it interesting that men are not flocking to organize a "prick walk"--you know, so they can "take back" that word too! Why not just use BETTER terminology without any sexist, sexual, or negative connotations attached. It's all just so ludicrous......

One of the worst Christian arguments I have ever had the displeasure to argue against

Recently, I posted a piece on biblical contradictions and how Christians harness cognitive dissonance to help them find desperate ways in which to defend ideas of inerrancy. I looked to show that they use a circular approach without realising it:

1) The Bible never makes contradictions
2) All alleged contradictions can be harmonised
3) Since the Bible never makes contradictions, all harmonisations are inherently more probable than the idea that there are contradictions
4) All harmonisations stand
C) Therefore, there are no contradictions in the Bible.

The example of contradiction I gave in the original post was this:

Quote of the Day, by Thunderf00t *Sigh*

After telling us of the recent developments at The Amazing Meeting (TAM), Thunderf00t says:
I can’t but help feel the skepchick-types REALLY needed something to be offended about, and they defiantly need to be the victims of something! There clearly wasn’t any sexual harassment at TAM, without even a single instance of someone being asked for coffee in an elevator. Then of course TAM had a sexual harassment policy in place. Really what is left for the skepchick-types to get hysterical about? Well, by a T-shirt saying they are “not a skepchick” of course- oh the horror… the horror.

Remember, if you oppose the T-shirt harassment policy at future conferences then you must be a bigoted, rape enabling, misogynistic radical woman hating MRA and you will get called an asshole before getting blocked for being a ‘troll’! --Link.
This skepchick type of insanity must stop, and I say this as one who wholeheartedly endorses feminism. To criticize the skepchick types is becoming equivalent to being "a bigoted, rape enabling, misogynistic radical woman hating MRA." I oppose this cookie-cutter straight-jacketed mentality and I call on all reasonable feminists to condemn it. Kudos to Dr. Harriet Hall for wearing the T-Shirt! She is my hero. She took a stand.

12 Answers to Why Something Exists Rather Than Nothing

After surveying twelve possible answers Michael Shermer ends by saying:
In the meantime, while scientists sort out the science to answer the question Why is there something instead of nothing?, in addition to reviewing these dozen answers it is also okay to say “I don’t know” and keep searching. There is no need to turn to supernatural answers just to fulfill an emotional need for explanation. Like nature, the mind abhors a vacuum, but sometimes it is better to admit ignorance than feign certainty about which one knows not. If there is one lesson that the history of science has taught us it is that it is arrogant to think that we now know enough to know that we cannot know. Science is young. Let us have the courage to admit our ignorance and to keep searching for answers to these deepest questions. Link.

PZ Myers Apologizes!

Yep, that's right, although it isn't exactly what some people had demanded. Below is PZ's video response to Thunderf00t explaining why he was kicked off Freethought Blogs. Then Thunderf00t responded. I think this whole episode is over. People can make up their own minds about it. But it illustrates something very important about what people do when we are emotionally engaged. As far as I know, no one is exempt. These two videos are proof positive that when someone is seen opposing what someone else holds dear, "the critical thinking portion of their brain effectively shuts down," as Kel quipped earlier.

Beliefs, Habits, Doubt, Love, Jealousy, Sexism, Racism-- and Why God is NOT Love

 Habits, we all have them—some good and some bad--and our habits are our tendencies or dispositions to act in certain ways in certain situations. It is our beliefs, or what we hold to be true (even if it isn't) that shape our habits. Being taught that blacks and women are inferior for instance, shaped the “belief” that they are—even if this is not true--which results in the “habitual discrimination” of women and people of color. This is where doubt comes in.

Image of the Virgin Mary Appears on Tree in West New York

WEST NEW YORK, N.J. "People are flocking to a tree in northern New Jersey where some say they see the image of the Virgin Mary. Makeshift shrines have sprung up by the tree.
People have been praying, crying and leaving flowers and candles as they look at the small opening where the bark was stripped away.
A fence and other barricades also have been set up around the tree, which is in a sidewalk along a commercial strip." (AP News)

This also is the mentality of Christian faith represented by some of the people who come to DC to argue for the truth of the Bible. (If believers can see the Virgin Mary in a damaged tree trunk, it sure didn’t take as much imagination to claim Jesus arose from the dead!)

Biblical contradictions and the Christian mind

Recently, elsewhere, I have been discussing the contradictions of the Bible. Many are fairly irrelevant in the scheme of things and don’t really invalidate the core claims of the Bible, only the claims of inerrancy. What it does show, however, is the rationalisation process of the average Christian. Not only is the process hilarious to watch, but the answers given vary so widely amongst defenders of inerrancy (and even amongst liberal defenders who instinctively try to protect the Bible's accuracy) that it seems fairly obvious as to the ad hoc nature of the defences.

One such example is the use of Gadarenes and Gerasenes which I will look into in more depth in this post and show how bad such attempted harmonisations can be.

A Look Back at the Demographics of Unbelief, by Tom Flynn

We seem to be poised on the threshold of a bright new era in which nonreligious Americans will be properly studied by the social sciences. What better time to review what we know about the various flavors of religious nonaffiliation and nonbelief? And what better time to review the facts and fallacies that have shaped American assumptions regarding irreligion in the past? Link.

Problems with the Fine-Tuning Argument

Here are some notes I made some time ago, based on various sources, some of which are linked below. Richard Carrier's book "Sense and Goodness Without God: A Defense of Metaphysical Naturalism" provided an excellent backbone to the first set of points.

The methodological and other problems:

• The biggest and most fatal criticism is that it is a tautology. The universe has to be ‘fine-tuned’ for life. Life developed within the universe, and so life has to be evolved TO the universe. Life cannot develop dancing to the tune of another universe – this is nonsensical. Therefore, any life that starts in any universe, by definition, must be ‘fine-tuned’ by that universe and thus every life-permitting universe will appear to be fine-tuned for life.

• Black holes: our universe is full of them - trillions and trillions of them. It seems like the very purpose of the universe is to produce black holes (not life). There are more black holes than life bearing planets (a lot more). A lot more material in the universe is devoted to creating black holes (a lot more). The universe is almost entirely a vacuum, in which black holes, not life, thrive. We barely struggle along, having a very difficult time surviving, in brutal competition for resources on a microscopic island of life that will be melted by the sun in some time. If we're not wiped out by meteors or interstellar radiation before then. Life has a hard time starting and is very easy to get rid of. Black holes, on the other hand, are inevitable consequences of this universe. And then it's almost impossible to get rid of them. Black holes are right at home in this universe. 'God did it' in no way explains this, especially in context of everything else the god hypothesis claims. God could have made:

Quote of the Day, by Kel

...there's more and more evidence showing the way people think when they are confronted with antithetical voices and arguments. If people are seen to be opposing what someone holds close to them, the critical thinking portion of their brain effectively shuts down. People are very good at rationalising what they hold dear. Smart people will parrot poor arguments and reason when it fits in favour of what they believe - just look at what passes for Christian apologetics, some very smart people have written absolute dreck - and will dismiss legitimate criticism when it goes against. Psychological studies have shown that once a belief becomes ingrained that showing contrary evidence can even increase the certitude that people will have in that belief. You can change how people will assess arguments by the affiliations you attach to an argument. In other words, we have every cognitive reason in the world to not try to give those who disagree with us a fair hearing.

It's all the more reason to show that you understand where the other people are coming from, and to be able to take these issues and be able to talk clearly and resolutely on them. It's what should be expected from people who are meant to be coming from a knowledge-based position. Link

Humpty Dumpty Meets Reductio ad Absurdum--How Christian Rabbits Morph into Mad Hatters

Here's a post I promised as a followup to my previous post, “What Happened When Humpty Dumpty Met the Sons of Gods.”

A God Driven by Blood, Suffering and Death: Human Sacrifice in the Bible

When Christians get all choked up and teary eyed by New Testament texts (such as John 3:16), they would do well to consider the history from the Old Testament of God’s lust for human blood and life as the real basis for Jesus’ sacrificial atonement. So Christian, if you thought of God as your loving Heavenly Father, think again!
He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a man, that he should change his mind." (1 Samuel 15: 29)

(The following section is from a much longer article I wrote on human sacrifice in the Bible)

What Happened When Humpty Dumpty Met the Sons of Gods

While I have presented this information in a paper, this post was inspired by a podcast by Credo House in their failed attempt to explain the difficult passages of Genesis 6:1-4, which speaks of the “sons of god” who TOOK women and had children with them:


Jesus told his followers to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to everyone.” Mk 16:15 Or in Matthew’s version, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Mt. 28:19.

And there they went for over almost two thousand years facing privation, danger, untold expense, all in fulfillment of the obligation to spread the word and bring in new recruits. They walked their shoes off, crossed oceans, lost lives, were hated by unwelcoming prospects who had “no soliciting” signs posted at their borders, and it was all so unnecessary.

According to a new book by missionary Tom Doyle “Dreams and Visions” Jesus has recently been revealing himself to Muslims through powerful dreams and visions. See a recent Charisma News article.

The Top Ten Things I Stand Against

I'm best known for the things I stand against. This is by design. I am a contrarian, a gadfly. I'm not going to mention all of the kinds of things that democratic loving civilized people are against, like first degree murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, rape, child molesting, child pornography, slavery, corporate greed and the ensuing poverty of lower classes, religious and secular militant governments and gangs, Naziism, obstruction of justice, perjury, con artist scams, and so on, since that list is long. I do however, stand against some things that are controversial.

Thunderf00t Isn't Happy With PZ Myers At All

See below:

Quote of the Day: D Rizdek on Fine-Tuning

Another great comment from D Rizdek on this thread here. In talking about the fine-tuning argument that theists use, he comes up with an interesting take - theists are anthropomorphising God:

A Primer On How To Silence One's Opponents

The answer: Shout them down. It's the most effective way. You've been there. In a room of people who all agree against you, one big guy stands up with a passionate speech and makes you feel as if to continue disagreeing is to be rude. We've all been there. But this didn't change our minds, did it? We just sat in silence fearing to buck the consensus because we might be socially ostracized. This is called bullying. That tactic is the one Freethought Bloggers and commenters have used against religion and is now being used against anyone who disagrees with their consensus, the one basically set by PZ Myers. This doesn't change minds either. One of the hallmarks of skeptical groups is that we embrace reason and science. So I have an important question. How is silencing one's opponents in this manner being reasonable? It's a reasonable question. Don't shout it down FtBlgers or you just proved my point, that this is what many of you do. I think the growing backlash against Freethought Blogs is that most of them refuse to reason with those who disagree, and that's not anything I want to be a part of at all, even if they ostracize me. Compared to this I am a voice of reason that the various skeptical communities need. There are many others like me. [Freethought Blogs]

A Conversation with Dr. Peter Boghossian

I've recommended professor Boghossian before, seen here and also here. He mentioned me in the following program at 48:40, but I especially liked the things he said at 55:00 and then beginning at 58:00.

My Response to Hank Fox, the Blue Collar Atheist

Now I wouldn't generally single out a guy who doesn't claim to be an academic, but since fellow FTBlger Daniel Fincke linked to what Hank wrote on his Facebook page, claiming Hank "answers" me (rather than saying he "responded" to me), I thought that by engaging Hank I would also be engaging Daniel, who is part of the bullying crowd there. I have engaged Daniel on more than one occasion where I have come away thinking to myself he needs a basic course in critical thinking. Oh, not very often of course, since he writes some really good stuff I recommend. It only comes out when defending the herd at FTB. This is why David Eller argues a true freethinker is someone unattached to a community because a community will influence what we think. Daniel has dehumanized (or even worse, demonized) me because of these disagreements. Well then, let's just see what this demon has to say in response and see if Daniel still thinks Hank "answers" me. ;-)

From Christian to Atheist in 28 Minutes

I am always looking for something interesting to watch when I have some down time, and recently came across a documentary site called “Documentary Storm” which has a number of Christian and atheist movies available for viewing free of charge, so I decided to see if I could find something interesting—which I did. The first thing I clicked on was the video “From Christian to Atheist” which turned out to be an amateur video that was relatively well done.

Antony Flew on 'Theology and Falsification'

This superb essay was linked to me by Andreas on another thread. It [edit] originates from a symposium between Flew, R.M. Hare and Basil Mitchell in 1944 or 1945 and was written by Antony Flew in his prime. I remember dealing with the parable some years ago in discussion, but had sadly forgotten about it since. It is as relevant today as it ever was:

Heads you win, tails I lose

When thinking about subjects like the fine-tuning argument it becomes apparent that the theist loves to have their cake and eat it. They thrive off a “heads I win, tails you lose" scenario.

Atheist Blogger Converts to Catholicism

Author of atheist blog announces she will become Catholic.

I’m really sure that morality is objective, human-independent, something we uncover like archeologists, not something we build like architects… And Christianity offered an explanation which I came to find compelling.”

Well so much for a “milk toast” atheist (if she was ever was an atheist). Read her story and give your opinion (You can even leave your comment on her site .)

American Atheists Want People to Have Sex At Their Conferences

Dave Silverman, president of American Atheists, said: "I want people to have sex at our conferences." Now there's a marketing strategy! Don't miss the next one, okay? Anyone want to hook up there? ;-)

I don't think I've ever heard an organizer of a national insurance conference saying this, or even a national trucker's conference. Surely this statement is a by-product of the pressure coming from the hyper-anti-sexist crowd, something required in order not appear to be against sex itself. Extreme pressure requires extreme statements like these. This alone shows us the extreme nature of the pressure coming from the hyper-anti-sexist crowd.

The Gospel of Matthew Caught In A Lie

Jesus speaking:
If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church (τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ•). And if he refuses to listen even to the church (τῇ ἐκκλησίᾳ•), let him be to you as a Gentile (ὁ ἐθνικὸς ) and a tax collector.” (Matthew 18: 15 – 18)

Cody Rudisill's Infant Salvation in Evangelical Theology, pt. 2 - the response

A few weeks ago I posted a piece of work that Cody Rudisill, a commentator here, had put together on the subject of infant salvation - whether newborns and young children would be saved or damned eternally in the context of Calvinist Christianity. Cody clearly showed the problems in Calvinist thought and presented a good syllogism.

In this piece, Cody revisits the problem and deals with the typically problematic response that he received within Christian academia. See what you think:

101 Reasons Why Evolution is True

Here is a great compilation of evidence on a single page.

Good intellectual ammo for debating creationists.

Perhaps Ed Brayton and PZ Myers Should Both Apologize

It's not like I am threatening their jobs, or calling for their resignation from an atheist organization, or saying I won't speak at the same events they do, or refusing to buy any of their books or anything (wait, they didn't write any). But that's what we have seen from a few Freethought Bloggers, including a defense of Greg Laden who actually physically threatened Justin Griffith. You should see what they're saying about me now. They don't even realize that by talking about irrelevancies and/or personally attacking me it does not answer my arguments, which are backed up by a lot of women feminists here, there, and everywhere, who just wanted a chance to speak up, having been frustrated by FtB so far. There is an utter lack of respect for disagreement and a nastiness that goes with it at FtB that disheartens me very much. I wish the more reasonable voices at FtB would teach them a thing or two about critical thinking, but I hope in vain. Many of them don't even understand a simple argument. But these are the kinds of people being attracted by the bloggers there, especially by PZ Myers and Ed Brayton. The buck stops with them. They have created this environment and they owe the rest of us an apology. I don't expect one though, but they should. It's okay to move into the future with welcomed new policies at FtB. But before that they should both apologize to us all.

Ed Brayton, PZ Myers, and Freethought Bloggers, Listen to Me

I know you have a herd mentality and have a strong tendency not to listen to outsiders, especially "apostates" who have "left the fold" like me. But you must if you want to restore your credibility and be a positive force for skepticism in the world. We are allies in our desire to change the socio-religious landscape, not enemies. For those who don't know, Greg Laden, the obnoxious Ph.D. from Harvard, was just kicked off FtB for good reason [Harvard must be so proud--not!]. So also was Thunderf00t. I've written about Thunderf00t before. He set a record by lasting less than two weeks at Freethought Blogs! Ed, PZ, if you had just listened to me you would not be in this mess. Let me explain.

Baker Books Catalog Entry for "God or Godless"

You can see it here. I feel the same as Dr. Rauser does when saying on his blog:
I have to tell you, the worst part about writing books is sitting on your hands for the year-long lag from completion of the manuscript to the day it hits the bookstores. As a result, you end up biding your time pathetically posting in your blog even the most trivial updates on the book which, come to think of it, is exactly what I’m doing right now.