An Awareness Test Reveals Our Differences.

Don't read what I write below until you've viewed the video above. Even though reading what I wrote probably won't affect the viewing of the video, do what it says first. After you do scroll down for my comments...

We see things we're looking for and we neglect to see that which we aren't looking for. WE ALL DO THIS! ALL OF US! That's why magicians fool us. Unless we know better we are all easily fooled by the sleight of hand. That's also why I have stressed over and over again that we must justify the way we see things. I have done so here.

It won't do for Christians to merely claim that I am in the same boat, for I have justified why I see things differently. Christians need to show me why I am wrong and then provide a better explanation for why they see things differently.



zilch said...

This is, I believe, a take-off of this video made at the Visual Cognition Lab at the U of Illinois in 1999. I prefer the original, but they are both instructive.